Author Andrew Michael Hurley (The Loney, Devil's Day) ran an amazing workshop for us in June 2019. Here is some feedback from our writers:
"It was a delight to hear from Andrew Michael Hurley and particularly to find out about his method of working. His way of “writing organically” much more aligned with my own method and therefore I felt reassured and inspired to know that a successful, published author often has the same issues I encounter and overcomes them. We often hear writers say “be persistent” but I think the fact that I could identify with Andrew’s difficulties really helped me understand that persistence is required not only when submitting to agents and publishers but also in the writing process. The visit unlocked a lot of ideas for my own work. Absolutely top notch! "
- Victoria Watson
"I found it really helpful to hear Andrew talk about his journey to publication and what he’s learned along the way. He showed us an early version of his manuscript alongside the edited version and that was really interesting - we could see his first draft hadn’t just come out fully-formed, which was reassuring, plus we could trace exactly what he’d cut away to improve it. He really demystified the editing process and made it clear that not giving up, even when you’re convinced everything you write is lame, is key to the whole thing. I came away feeling much more optimistic about my work. "
- Jane Downs